The Morse Code
Morse Code Podcast with Korby Lenker
Alex Berger: “Branding is What People Say About You When You’re not in the Room”

Alex Berger: “Branding is What People Say About You When You’re not in the Room”

I speak with Alex Berger, Founder and Creative Director of Nashville-based creative agency Weird Candy. He's shepherded the visual translation of artists like The Critical and Yot Club as well as tastemaker labels like War Buddha and 3 Sirens.

We kick off this conversation with Alex offering a impromptu brand appraisal of... me. And with that we jump into a discussion of why artists have such a hard time tackling the necessity of articulating their particular flavor in a succinct and relatable way.

I’m not gonna say this turned into a therapy session, but Alex did help me reframe this piece of the artist game in a way that was both empowering and actionable.

Find Alex:



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~ Korby

The Morse Code
Morse Code Podcast with Korby Lenker
The MCP is weekly pod featuring long form conversations and performances with entrepreneurially-minded indie creatives in music, film and writing.