The Morse Code
Morse Code Podcast with Korby Lenker
Jill Andrews: Make the Music You Want to Listen To

Jill Andrews: Make the Music You Want to Listen To

Korby speaks with singer-songwriter Jill Andrews about her musical evolution — from fronting the Everybodyfields through her successful run writing songs for TV to touring as a mom on the release of her new album Modern Age.

Plus she plays three songs live in our studio!

East Nashville singer-songwriter Jill Andrews performs "Boundless Love" on the Morse Code Podcast.

Jill Andrews performs "Wrong Place, Wrong Time"

East Nashville singer-songwriter Jill Andrews performs "80s Baby" on the Morse Code Podcast.

Find Jill:



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~ Korby

The Morse Code
Morse Code Podcast with Korby Lenker
The MCP is weekly pod featuring long form conversations and performances with entrepreneurially-minded indie creatives in music, film and writing.