The Morse Code
Morse Code Podcast with Korby Lenker
James Kyson: How the Guy from Heroes Put Himself in a Hundred TV Shows

James Kyson: How the Guy from Heroes Put Himself in a Hundred TV Shows

Korby speaks with actor and spoken word artist James Kyson. Best known for his role in  NBC’s Heroes, James has more than 100 appearances in TV and film.

Here he shares the many aspects of maintaining a successful acting career across decades, including auditioning for new roles, playing to camera in various situations, the value of a positive attitude, and loads more!

The Art of Self Tape Auditions with James Kyson

Learn how James has mastered self tape auditions in an ever changing industry.

James Kyson talks to Korby about the art of Acting to the Camera on NBC’s Heroes

Find James:



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~ Korby

The Morse Code
Morse Code Podcast with Korby Lenker
The MCP is weekly pod featuring long form conversations and performances with entrepreneurially-minded indie creatives in music, film and writing.